Scripting Corner

Sudoku Class

view demo


/* ---------------------------------------------------------

LX' Sudoku Class

(c) 2006 Alexander Schulze

This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Authors: Alexander Schulze



v1.0 2006-04-17: first version publically available

--------------------------------------------------------- */

class Sudoku
$zeichensatz; // used characters in sudoku (1-9)
var $groesse; // size of board (9)
var $kl_groesse; // size of a small square (3)
var $matrix; // sudoku data structure
var $changed; // if a solver iteration changed anything
var $col_cache, $row_cache, $box_cache;

// constructor
function Sudoku ( &$sudokustring, &$zeichenstring )
// define charset and therefore size of the board
$this -> zeichensatz = explode ( ' ', $zeichenstring );
$this -> groesse = count ( $this -> zeichensatz );
$this -> kl_groesse = floor ( sqrt ( $this -> groesse ) );

// initialize caches
$this -> col_cache = array();
$this -> row_cache = array();
$this -> box_cache = array();

// create and fill data structure
$this -> createMatrix ( $sudokustring );
$this -> firstFill();

// convert string into sudoku matrix
function createMatrix ( &$string )
// linebreaks
$nl = array ( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r" );

// split string into its elements
if ( !strpos ( $string, ' ' ) )
$temp = preg_split ( '//', str_replace ( $nl, '', $string ), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$temp = explode ( ' ', str_replace ( $nl, ' ', $string ) );

for (
$zeile = 0; $zeile < $this -> groesse; $zeile++ )
$row = $zeile % $this -> kl_groesse;

// split into small squares
for ( $spalte = 0; $spalte < $this -> groesse; $spalte++ )
$kasten = floor ( $zeile / $this -> kl_groesse ) * $this -> kl_groesse +
floor ( $spalte / $this -> kl_groesse );

$col = $spalte % $this -> kl_groesse;

$this -> matrix [ $kasten ]
$row ]
$col ] = $temp [ ( $zeile * $this -> groesse + $spalte ) ] ;

// fill empty fields with possibilities
function firstFill()
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
$box = $this -> getBox ( $i );

// every non-used symbol is added as possibility
foreach ( $this -> zeichensatz as $zeichen )
if ( !
in_array ( $zeichen, $box ) )
for (
$j = 0; $j < $this -> groesse; $j++ )
if (
$box [ $j ] == 0 )
$box [ $j ] = array ( $zeichen );
elseif (
is_array ( $box [ $j ] ) )
$box [ $j ][] = $zeichen;

// output sudoku as HTML table
function showSudoku_Matrix ( $kommentar = '' )
$ret = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" title="' . $kommentar . '">';

// small squares
foreach ( $this -> matrix as $key => $kasten )
if (
$key % $this -> kl_groesse == 0 ) $ret .= '<tr>';
$ret .= "<td>\n\n<table>\n";

// columns inside a square
foreach ( $kasten as $spalte )
$ret .= '<tr>';

// cells in each column
foreach ( $spalte as $werte )
if (
is_array ( $werte ) )
if (
count ( $werte ) == 1 )
foreach (
$werte as $val ) $ret .= '<td class="solved">' . htmlspecialchars ( $val );
elseif (
count ( $werte ) == 0 )
$ret .= '<td class="error">';
sort ( $werte );
$ret .= '<td class="possibilities" title="'.implode ( ' ', $werte ).'">'.htmlspecialchars ( implode ( ' ', $werte ) );
$ret .= '<td class="start">';
$ret .= ( $werte ) ? htmlspecialchars ( $werte ) : '&nbsp;';
$ret .= '</td>';

$ret .= "</tr>\n";

$ret .= "</table>\n\n</td>";
if (
$key % $this -> kl_groesse == $this -> kl_groesse - 1 ) $ret .= '</tr>';

$ret .= '</table>';


// the solver
function solve ( $step )
$this -> changed = true;

// true if not the first iteration
// used to speed up search because after the first iteration you don't
// have to check against fields that were already known at the beginning
$notfirst = false;

while ( !
$this -> checkWin() && $this -> changed )
$this -> changed = false;

if (
$step [ 0 ] )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
// filter values that are already known from the combinations of possibilities
$this -> kill ( $this -> getRow ( $i ), $notfirst );
$this -> kill ( $this -> getCol ( $i ), $notfirst );
$this -> kill ( $this -> getBox ( $i ), $notfirst );
$notfirst = true;
if (
$this -> changed ) continue;

if (
$step [ 1 ] )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
// sets fields that are the only one in one set to allow a certain value
$this -> setUnique ( $this -> getRow ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> setUnique ( $this -> getCol ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> setUnique ( $this -> getBox ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

if (
$step [ 2 ] )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
// checks for identical combinations of possibilities which would exclude
// the elements of those combinations in all the other ones
$this -> checkIdentical ( $this -> getRow ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> checkIdentical ( $this -> getCol ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> checkIdentical ( $this -> getBox ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

if (
$step [ 3 ] )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
// checks for subsets of combinations that are identical and would exclude those elements
// that are not part of that subset
$this -> checkCombination ( $this -> getRow ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> checkCombination ( $this -> getCol ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

$this -> checkCombination ( $this -> getBox ( $i ) );
if (
$this -> changed ) continue 2;

if (
$step [ 4 ] )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if (
$this -> guess ( $i, $step ) === true ) continue 2;

$this -> checkWin();

// helper functions to get access to the parts of the sudoku more easily

// returns a reference to a row of the sudoku
function &getRow ( $zeile )
if ( !isset (
$this -> row_cache [ $zeile ] ) )
$row = $zeile % $this -> kl_groesse;

for (
$spalte = 0; $spalte < $this -> groesse; $spalte++ )
$kasten = floor ( $zeile / $this -> kl_groesse ) * $this -> kl_groesse +
floor ( $spalte / $this -> kl_groesse );

$col = $spalte % $this -> kl_groesse;

$temp[] =& $this -> matrix [ $kasten ]
$row ]
$col ];

$this -> row_cache [ $zeile ] =& $temp;

$this -> row_cache [ $zeile ];

// returns a reference to a column of the sudoku
function &getCol ( $spalte )
if ( !isset (
$this -> col_cache [ $spalte ] ) )
$col = $spalte % $this -> kl_groesse;

for (
$zeile = 0; $zeile < $this -> groesse; $zeile++ )
$kasten = floor ( $zeile / $this -> kl_groesse ) * $this -> kl_groesse +
floor ( $spalte / $this -> kl_groesse );

$row = $zeile % $this -> kl_groesse;

$temp[] =& $this -> matrix [ $kasten ]
$row ]
$col ];
$this -> col_cache [ $spalte ] =& $temp;

$this -> col_cache [ $spalte ];

// returns a reference to a small square of the sudoku
function &getBox ( $box )
if ( !isset (
$this -> box_cache [ $box ] ) )
foreach (
$this -> matrix [ $box ] as $x => $row )
foreach (
$row as $y => $col )
$temp[] =& $this -> matrix [ $box ][ $x ][ $y ];

$this -> box_cache [ $box ] =& $temp;

$this -> box_cache [ $box ];

// checks if the sudoku is already solved
// TODO: not only check if every field is filled but also if the fillings are correct :)
function checkWin()
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
$box = $this -> getBox ( $i );
for (
$j = 0; $j < $this -> groesse; $j++ )
if ( (
is_array ( $box [ $j ] ) && count ( $box [ $j ] ) > 1 ) ||
is_array ( $box [ $j ] ) && count ( $box [ $j ] ) == 0 ) ) return false;

// solving algorithms

// filter values that are already known from the combinations of possibilities
function kill ( &$data, $notfirst )
foreach (
$data as $key => $val )
// compare against the known elements from the beginning
if ( /*!$notfirst && */!is_array ( $val ) )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if ( !
is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) ) continue;

$d = array_search ( $val, $data [ $i ] );
if (
$d !== false )
unset (
$data [ $i ][ $d ] );
$this -> changed = true;
// compare against elements already found out
elseif ( is_array ( $val ) && count ( $val ) == 1 )
$val = array_pop ( $val );

for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if (
$i == $key || !is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) ) continue;

$d = array_search ( $val, $data [ $i ] );
if (
$d !== false )
unset (
$data [ $i ][ $d ] );
$this -> changed = true;

// sets fields that are the only one in one set to allow a certain value
function setUnique ( &$data )
foreach (
$this -> zeichensatz as $zeichen )
$temp = array();
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if ( !
is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) || count ( $data [ $i ] ) == 1 ) continue;
if (
array_search ( $zeichen, $data [ $i ] ) !== false )
if (
count ( $temp ) < 1 )
$temp [ 0 ] = $i;
if ( !isset (
$temp [ 0 ] ) ) continue;
$data [ $temp [ 0 ] ][ 0 ] = $zeichen;
for (
$i = 1; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ ) unset ( $data [ $temp [ 0 ] ][ $i ] );
$this -> changed = true;

// if x combinations exist that include the same x possibilities
// then those possibilities can be excluded from all other combinations of the same set
function checkIdentical ( &$data )
foreach (
$data as $key => $val )
if ( !
is_array ( $val ) ) continue;

$valcount = count ( $val );
if (
$valcount == 1 ) continue;

$temp = array ( $key );

for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
$datacount = count ( $data [ $i ] );

if ( !
is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) || $datacount == 1 || $key == $i ) continue;

if (
$valcount == $datacount )
$schnittmenge = array_intersect ( $val, $data [$i ] );
if (
$val == $schnittmenge )
$temp[] = $i;

if (
count ( $temp ) == $valcount )
// remove elements from all combinations but $temp
foreach ( $val as $wert )
for (
$i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if ( !
is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) || in_array ( $i , $temp ) ) continue;

$d = array_search ( $wert, $data [ $i ] );
if (
$d !== false )
$this -> changed = true;
unset (
$data [ $i ][ $d ] );

// similar to the method above, only this time subsets of combinations are checked
// if subsets are identical then all other possibilities that are not part of the subset
// can be excluded from those combinations
function checkCombination ( &$data )
foreach (
$this -> zeichensatz as $zeichen )
$schnittmenge = array ( $zeichen );
$elements = array();

// find all combinations that contain this symbol
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if ( !
is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) || count ( $data [ $i ] ) == 1 ) continue;

if (
in_array ( $zeichen, $data [ $i ] ) ) $elements[] = $i;

// find common intersections of those combinations
if ( count ( $elements ) >= 2 )
$schnittmenge = array_intersect ( $data [ $elements [ 0 ] ], $data [ $elements [ 1 ] ] );

if (
count ( $schnittmenge ) < count ( $elements ) ) continue;

for (
$i = 2; $i < count ( $elements ); $i++ )
$schnittmenge = array_intersect ( $schnittmenge, $data [ $elements [ $i ] ] );
if (
count ( $schnittmenge ) < count ( $elements ) ) continue 2;

// check if other combinations contain elements of that intersection
for ( $i = 0; $i < $this -> groesse; $i++ )
if (
in_array ( $i, $elements ) || !is_array ( $data [ $i ] ) ) continue;
$schnittmenge = array_diff ( $schnittmenge, $data [ $i ] );
if (
count ( $schnittmenge ) < count ( $elements ) ) continue 2;

if (
count ( $schnittmenge ) == count ( $elements ) )
foreach (
$elements as $el )
$data [ $el ] = array_intersect ( $data [ $el ], $schnittmenge );

// the most stupid (and resource eating) algorithm: trial and error
// just guesses one value and then checks if the sudoku can be solved this way or if
// it runs into inconsistencies
function guess ( $box, $step )
// make a copy of the current state
$kopie = unserialize ( serialize ( $this ) );

$kopie -> col_cache = array();
$kopie -> row_cache = array();
$kopie -> box_cache = array();

foreach (
$this -> matrix [ $box ] as $x => $col )
foreach (
$col as $y => $val )
if (
is_array ( $val ) && count ( $val ) > 1 )
foreach (
$val as $guess )
$kopie -> matrix [ $box ][ $x ][ $y ] = array ( $guess );
if (
$kopie -> solve ( $step ) === true )
$this -> matrix [ $box ][ $x ][ $y ] = array ( $guess );
$this -> changed = true;
